Man this could really piss you off!

Jul 21, 2019

I was up early, 5:30 am, and driving to a client site to put on some training at 7:00 a.m. Monday morning. Hadn't even turn my phone on as I've worked actively not to be so connected to it. I had my coffee was enjoying the morning as I was driving 40 minutes to my client site.

I got caught at a light and turned on my phone to send my girlfriend and note when I got stuck at one of the other lights before I hit the highway.

My phone started to beep, ring, and vibrate far more than usual. I had a voicemail, and email and a text from my contact stating they were having some technical issues and needed to cancel today's training.

I can tell you with absolute certainty in my twenties or thirties I would have been raging in my car about how the hell could this have happened as this has been scheduled for six weeks! Truthfully, I might have even been screaming.

I would have been angry without a doubt. However as I read the text I chuckled and thought well that sucks, I need make some adjustments. I pulled a U-turn and went back to get some work done at my home office before going out to continue with the rest of my day.

I looked at the change of plans is a blessing as it freed up some time for me to get some other paperwork done before the rest of my day instead of doing it in the evening.

Also made me think late 20’s and my 30’s I would have been extremely angry over this because that's the way I was before taking this path of becoming a better man.

When you are the rock, calm, centered, and confident you adjust on the fly and do not let something like this anger you.

Only when thinking of this did I realize I really don’t get angry anymore. A month or so back we had plans to meet friends at this great restaurant before a concert. We were there first and it was closed so they could attend a private event. What? Fifteen years earlier I would have been pissed in spite of the six or maybe ten restaurants in a half of mile from where I was standing.

I thought what would everyone like? Remembered a fantastic Italian/pizza place two blocks away and told my girlfriend follow me. Once we arrived, we texted our friends about the change of plans and had a glass of wine while we waited for them to show up.

Not even upset in spite of the fact that I loved the other restaurant, had not been there in quite a while and had my meal picked out. The four of us had a fabulous dinner then went on to the concert.

This is how you roll when you are a confident, calm, man who knows his values and understands there are very few things truly worth getting upset over. Least of which is the rescheduling of a training session.

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