What will your legacy be?
It's up to you....begin to build a legacy.
Coaching Options

I am a men's coach who specialize in helping men through the most difficult time of their lives, when they may end up divorced. This is when they can crumble or become a man of legacy. Do the work they need on themselves to become a great man and father.

Masculinity has almost been turned into a dirty word in the last few years. The goal is healthy masculinity, help you rediscover the man you used to be. You will then use this positive masculine energy-some call it mojo-to become a man of legacy.

Be The Rock
My friend Steve talks about hummingbird husbands, you know the type, nervous, twitchy, always asking if everything is okay and how unattractive that is to women. Instead be the mountain lion, calm cool and collective. Much like I think you should be the rock for your family. Solid, strong, dependable, calm and present when the water is smooth or turbulent.
Legacy Coaching
You realize doing what you have always done, or more of it is not going to work. Either she has said she wants space or a divorce and you know that you need to change. This is a 12 week coaching session to help you get that swagger back you used to have. The goal is to help you be the kind of man who leaves a legacy.
For those who just need to be pointed in the right direction I have a True North 3 session package.

Premarital Coaching
Oh if somebody actually worked with you on some of the keys to a successful marriage from the beginning. Think how much easier this would be. This 6 week course is designed to help you start the marriage on the right foot.
Schedule A CallOne on One all day intensive